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This is the complete works of Burt Garfield Loescher on The History of Roger’s Rangers, Including one very rare and limited edition. Within this collection is;
Volume 1: The Beginnings Jan 1755 - Apr 1758, Independently Published, First Edition, 1946, Signed and numbered 942 of 1500.
Volume 2: Genesis: The First Green Berets, The Corps and The Revivals, Apr 1758 - Dec 1783. First Edition, 1969, Signed and Numbered 6 of 8 Hand Painted Uniform Plate.
Volume 3: Officers and Non Commissioned Officers, Heritage Books Inc.
Volume 4: The St Francis Raid, Heritage Books Inc.
Burt Garfield Loescher (1917-2006) was a significant researcher on Roger’s Rangers. Robert Rogers (1731-1795) was an American-born soldier and adventurer who served in the British Army during both the French and Indian War and the American Revolutionary War.
During the French and Indian War, Rogers raised companies of soldiers, dubbed “rangers” and known for their bold exploits in the Lake Champlain and Lake George regions of Northern New York. His military strategies were the inspiration for the formation of the U.S. Army’s elite Ranger Corps and he continues to capture the public’s imagination as the main character in novels, films, and television.
The Green Berets, America's elite force in South Vietnam, claim Rogers Rangers of two centuries past on their family tree. If not by direct unbroken descent at least by an affinity of method and tactics and certain aspects of dress, particularly their headgear and uniform color.
Rogers Rangers, the falcons of the Champlain Valley lakes in the old French and Indian War, swooped down upon their opponents. Like their counterparts The Green Berets, they differed only by the contemporary method of the times. Rogers’ famous and definite Ranging Rules for bush fighting have been the Rangers' link, or badge, which have been handed down and adapted by Darby's Rangers in World War II and The Green Berets repelling communism in Vietnam. No other body of American fighting men has piqued the interest of the Americans, British and Canadians, nor maintained their curiosity during the many decades since Rogers Rangers flowed and ebbed from their various encampments to harry the enemy and form a vital role in the formulative period of our early history.
This continuing interest in Rogers Rangers and lack of a complete chronicle of their history has stimulated this genesis or history of the corps from their shady beginnings in the French and Indian War through their revivals and final exile after the American Revolution. If this story of Rogers Rangers appears monumental, it was intended so. Many documentary sources heretofore unknown, were consulted to create this definitive monument to the Rangers. Although, it has taken two decades for the unveiling of the completion, it was never intended so.
Rogers Rangers were a synonym for the free spirit stirring throughout the American colonies in the mid 18th century increasing in intensity to the storm of the American Revolution two decades later. As a body of men they, as one of their discerning officers wrote, personified the new breed of free men that so startled the English officers with their Yankee independence. There was a camaraderie with the men that evoked the best from them. They shared the equality of freedom of expression and left a legacy of great men. The John Stark, Moses Hazen, the Brewers, Jonathan and David, Joseph Wait, great Ranger captains, were but a few of the Rangers to lead the fight to independence in the Revolution.
A fraternity of men, whether a regiment, or a nation, must have its heroes and they become a symbol. The Rangers' devotion gave Major Rogers his stature and by so doing he gave it back because his renown became theirs. Unfortunately their hero was only mortal and he faded, a few ill chosen trails and he was surpassed by his Rangers as the saga will tell.