Original World War One Italian Regio Esercito 1° Gruppo Battaglioni Bersaglieri Ciclisti Comandante Signed Document.
The first experimental company of Bersaglieri cyclists was formed on March 15, 1898 by Lieutenant Luigi Camillo Natali. In 1907, as an experiment, a Cycling Battalion was formed with the Cycling Companies, formed between 1901 and 1902, of the 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 9th Bersaglieri Regiments.
With the outbreak of the First World War in 1915, the cyclist battalions were detached from their respective regiments and used alone or in groups, usually of 3 battalions, in union with cavalry, but more often with infantry.
The "1st cyclists" from Naples, where he was stationed, under the command of the ten. col. Giovanni Beruto, was sent on June 5 on the Tagliamento under the direct dependence of the X Army Corps. On October 9, 1916 he conquered Caston of Lora and the next day he expanded the conquest on the Alpe of Carmagnon. For these actions the battalion was awarded the Bronze Medal of Military Valor. In 1917 with the 7th and 8th cyclists he composed the 1st autonomous group cyclists.
In 1936 the 1st cyclist was dissolved. In fact, the motorcycle companies began to integrate and replace the cyclist battalions and the Bersaglieri regiments set off towards motorization.
The first Cycling Battalion was reconstituted in 1940, in the 1º regiment, and participated during the Second World War in the operations of the Greek-Albanian and Yugoslav front and the Western Front and finally dissolved in September 1943.